
The most impressive CRM that I ever encountered

  The most impressive customer relationship management I have ever encountered is with a local business from Thailand. Truth be told, it is a local motorcycle business founded by a currently attending Assumption University student. I know him from my brother and my brother introduced him to me as a senior student of BBA faculty. The name of the business is “deus.riders”. You can find it on Instagram. The first service he ever sold to me was the “New Bikers Class” service, he taught me how to ride a motorcycle in that class. The funny thing is I don’t even know how to ride a bicycle, it took me more than 3 days just to keep my balance on the bike. About 2 weeks later after I learned how to ride a motorcycle from him, I contacted him again to rent a motorcycle because at that time, I had to take taxis to go to classes and it cost me around 2,500 baht per month. I used to rent motorcycles from him for about 4 months till December. And then he taught me how to ride a manual motorcycle. Aft

My Big Data

 Structured Data -My electricity consumption rate -My budget planner -Google Analytics data -My IGCSE result -My personal manhwa ratings Unstructured Data -Random videos from my gallery  -Audio clips  -Emails -My social media post -Conversation between my friend and I

My E-commerce Online Selling Experience

I am here to share my personal experience of selling on online. It just occurred recently so it’s still fresh to talk about it. About six days ago, I posted a post about selling my motorcycle in the Assumption University Student Group. I posted mainly on Facebook, and then Line and I asked my friends to share the post to spread awareness to more people. I also introduced it to some people and my friends helped by sending the selling post to their friends who might want to buy a bike. I even tried to post it on the Facebook marketplace but the authorities denied me because I am under 20 and it’s Thailand’s law to restrict people who are under 20 to post or even watch the marketplace section. Even the nearest condo from university is like a 7-minute ride so you will need the motorcycle for sure. I already got a few offers so far but the sale can’t be made as they want me to deliver the bike to Bangkok city and I am afraid I can’t do that. 2 or 3 students also checked out my bike and th

Fake news

Misinformation - Russian schoolbook urges teens to fight in Ukraine Malinformation - Is Elvis Presley still ALIVE? Disinformation - First one to get ‘KRUD’ tattoo on the forehead will win $250,000 cash! How I distinguish misinformation? Misinformation is  false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead, e.g. you didn’t know the news you told to your friends is wrong. You do it unintentionally. Maybe in this case, the school’s intention might not be wanting teens to fight in wars. But you misread and thought it meant in that way and share your thoughts to the others. How I distinguish malinformation?  Malinformation is  information which is based on fact, but removed from its original context in order to mislead, harm, or manipulate. In th


Image    By Lucas

Lin Htat Aung {Lucas}

                                                           Lin Htat Aung (Lucas) - 6622126   Hello! I would like to introduce myself. I am a Burmese student and my full name is Lin Htat Aung. But most people including my friends known me as Lucas or Luke. I will turn 19 in this year August and I just finished my first year journey. This is currently my third semester which is also in summer and I will start my second year in coming June. Before coming to this university, I attended the IGCSE course and finished that in 2023 January. The major I am planning to attend in Assumption University is Accountancy (B.Acc) because during my IGCSE time, that one subject caught my attention and you could say I fell in love with that annoying feeling of correcting errors and bookkeeping transactions. During my childhood;12 to till present, I have tried many hobbies like swimming, playing guitar, drawing, and also singing class. Even though I abandoned most of them, I can’t deny that I still enjo