Fake news

Misinformation - Russian schoolbook urges teens to fight in Ukraine


Malinformation - Is Elvis Presley still ALIVE?


Disinformation - First one to get ‘KRUD’ tattoo on the forehead will win $250,000 cash!


How I distinguish misinformation?

Misinformation is false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead, e.g. you didn’t know the news you told to your friends is wrong. You do it unintentionally. Maybe in this case, the school’s intention might not be wanting teens to fight in wars. But you misread and thought it meant in that way and share your thoughts to the others.

How I distinguish malinformation?

 Malinformation is information which is based on fact, but removed from its original context in order to mislead, harm, or manipulate. In this case, people thought the singer,Elvis Presley is still alive because someone saw a person who is lookalike to Elvis and immediately shared it to social media networks. The person who originally posted it may know it’s just a lookalike but he ignored the fact and do it anyway to gain attentions.

How I distinguish disinformation?

 Disinformation is deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts; propaganda, e.g. you know it’s not true, but you share it anyway to your family or friends. In this case, the radio station announced the one who will get tattooed ‘KRUD’ on their forehead will get the cash reward of $250,000. They did it intentionally to get more recognizement and after someone claimed the reward, they denied it and told it was a April fool joke. They got sued and now they have to pay $500,000 for their silliness.

  Credited to YourDictionary 

 Credited to Schumann Library

How I handle these kinds of fake news?

 I normally ignored most of them but it’s different for something I am interested in. For those some news that got my attention, I don’t randomly believed and shared, I took time to do my own research to see if that news is right or wrong, or did the media take some parts off and misinterpreting to normal people like me. I trusted only after it got confirmed by some official websites.

What are the major differences between Thailand and Finland policy regards of Fake News?

 In Thailand, the government has recently pressed more cybercrime charges for misinformation that affect national security. In Finland, they teach even in primary school how to spot slippery information. Thailand anti-fake news officers will review online content, they will also target news about government policies and content that broadly affects “peace and order, good morals, and national security”. But the Finland government wants to approach the ways by critically and not cynically. For me, I personally prefer the way of Thailand government. In my way of thinking, I think the ones who should take responsibility of fake news are the adults that are specially trained i.e. anti-fake news officers. And also I don’t support the Finland way of teaching young children in the act of detecting lies and misleading informations.


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