The most impressive CRM that I ever encountered

 The most impressive customer relationship management I have ever encountered is with a local business from Thailand. Truth be told, it is a local motorcycle business founded by a currently attending Assumption University student. I know him from my brother and my brother introduced him to me as a senior student of BBA faculty. The name of the business is “deus.riders”. You can find it on Instagram. The first service he ever sold to me was the “New Bikers Class” service, he taught me how to ride a motorcycle in that class. The funny thing is I don’t even know how to ride a bicycle, it took me more than 3 days just to keep my balance on the bike. About 2 weeks later after I learned how to ride a motorcycle from him, I contacted him again to rent a motorcycle because at that time, I had to take taxis to go to classes and it cost me around 2,500 baht per month. I used to rent motorcycles from him for about 4 months till December. And then he taught me how to ride a manual motorcycle. After I had enough confidence to drive safely, I bought my first ever manual motorcycle; Z250SL, the bike I am selling at the moment, from him. I told him I wanted a naked design from Kawasaki Z models. He took his time nearly a month to find this bike. The bike is almost brand new, doesn’t have any scratches, and only has a mileage of about 8,000 km. Overall, he has done so much for me like taught me how to ride a motorcycle (from a scooter to a manual), rented me a bike that would be convenient for me, and also sold me my first-ever bike. We still stay in touch with each other, sometimes at the weekends he calls me out to wash our bikes together, he even showed me how to apply lubricant on the chains. Not only that, he even gave me educational advice as a senior. I am sure that I will buy my new bike from him again. As the business, he has quality services, even after he made a sale he still reminds me to take care of my bike and change the engine oil every 2 months, and he supports every customer with his best.


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