Lin Htat Aung {Lucas}

                                                           Lin Htat Aung (Lucas) - 6622126


Hello! I would like to introduce myself. I am a Burmese student and my full name is Lin Htat Aung. But most people including my friends known me as Lucas or Luke. I will turn 19 in this year August and I just finished my first year journey. This is currently my third semester which is also in summer and I will start my second year in coming June.

Before coming to this university, I attended the IGCSE course and finished that in 2023 January. The major I am planning to attend in Assumption University is Accountancy (B.Acc) because during my IGCSE time, that one subject caught my attention and you could say I fell in love with that annoying feeling of correcting errors and bookkeeping transactions.

During my childhood;12 to till present, I have tried many hobbies like swimming, playing guitar, drawing, and also singing class. Even though I abandoned most of them, I can’t deny that I still enjoy doing them. Right now, my current interest is playing 8 pools. I am still at beginner phrase but still I enjoy playing it because it brings me opportunities to communicate with new friends.

This is all overview informations about me. If you want to know more and get in touch with me, feel free to contact me on social medias.

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